Signs of a failed Culture
One of the first signs that an animal is on the road to extinction is fouling of their own nest. Have you taken a look at our land-fills or the sides of our own highways lately? We throw out garbage…
One of the first signs that an animal is on the road to extinction is fouling of their own nest. Have you taken a look at our land-fills or the sides of our own highways lately? We throw out garbage…
A very unique experience was had by me recently. I wrote my first Country Western song ( I believe it will be a hit) entitled ‘Holy Moley, it’s just me and my Foley. (A foley for the under privileged is…
The World: According to BOB! In the beginning there was BOB: no one else, no oceans, no plants, no people, no animals, just BOB. BOB was all seeing, all knowing, omnipotent and Omni prescient. BOB was everything and everywhere. BOB…
Knowing full well that all of you would love to join me on my adventures and travels in India, I thought you might like to vicariously travel with me on my last Indian experience. 27 May 1500 – Leave Hong…