About the author
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Allan F. Brack
Medical Device Consulting
I am now Managing Editor of ORSAFE.ORG a website dedicated to safety in the Operating room. We run various videos, editorials and information covering all things safety related as well as OSHA updates on staff safety. Further, we promote products that directly effect nurses and surgical technologists in this dangerous environment. ORSAFE.ORG will be offering CEU’s in the future on all things OperatingRoom.
Further I have increased my Regulatory endeavors in the Medical Device and Disposables arena, both within the USA, as well as overseas. Projects have been completed throughout the EMEA area as well Asia and Russia.
I have in the past forged significant international regulatory relations by creating a link for joint testing of medical devices through the German TUV (equivalent of UL in the USA) and BSI (British Standards). Further I started the ‘Hot Topics in Anesthesia’ project, which produced specialty teaching “cook” books in the area of anesthesia by bringing together opinion leaders for retreats to discuss and publish trends and latest practice in anesthesia (Prof. Grogono, Tulane and Prof W. Erdmann of Erasmus University, Rotterdam, NL acted as Chairs). I have and continue too lecture on sales and regulatory issues both domestically and internationally for such organizations as: the Institute of Directors in London, the North American Radiology Society, FIME in Miami and the 4th Annual Latin America Clinical Trials meeting. In the interests of improving safety in The Operating Room for nurses and Surgical Technologists, I started a website www.ORsafe.org. This site promotes safety and information exchange to that end. I edit and produce various learning modules for o.R. staff.
Language skills include: German, Dutch, Afrikaans, and conversational Japanese.