One of the first signs that an animal is on the road to extinction is fouling of their own nest. Have you taken a look at our land-fills or the sides of our own highways lately? We throw out garbage with abandon. We are now littering space with junk and add to it daily.

There has grown an attitude over the years that states ‘not my problem’ as a cultural imperative. We currently have teachers viewed as nothing more than baby sitters; to be treated with disrespect by parents and children alike; not to mention school boards and the State; yet they are supposed to educate our children in a vacuum. Our Congress is made up largely of lawyers that enjoy the enviable position of being able to create the rules; that only they can interpret for all of us. We have a diversity of cultures that no longer wish to integrate into the greater society; but rather ghettorize the cities in which they live. We have a greed on Wall Street that makes the basic assumption that the only people they are accountable to is themselves and the hell with their clients. We have a government that believes they are the only ones that should be running everything from: salaries, television, the Internet to how much water or electricity you should be using. We have the arrogance of politicians that believe they are and should be the arbiter of all things. News people, that believe they should filter the news for the greater good as defined by themselves. Does this trend scare anyone else out there? Does anyone else realize that for the first time in history we have allowed the peasants to be armed? We are looking more and more like Venezuela.
Need more signs to be a believer? Watch the Voting choices and the Rhetoric surrounding the process. Look at the circus around Trump or Biden. Civility is dead. No one seems to mind.
Is there hope? Or should we just all admit to becoming sheep? Baaaaaaaa Baaaaa!
Just a thought from the road.